Monday, June 29, 2009

The cure for cancer may soon become reality

"Australian scientists have developed a "trojan horse" therapy to combat cancer, using a bacterially-derived nano cell to penetrate and disarm the cancer cell before a second nano cell kills it with chemotherapy drugs. 100 percent survival in mice with human cancer cells has been achieved by using the "trojan horse" therapy in the past two years.

The "trojan horse" therapy has the potential to directly target cancer cells with chemotherapy, rather than the current treatment that sees chemotherapy drugs injected into a cancer patient and attacking both cancer and healthy cells.

The scientists plan to start human clinical trials in the coming months. Human trials of the cell delivery system will start next week at the Peter MacCullum Cancer Center at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and The Austin at the University of Melbourne.

The therapy, published in the latest Nature Biotechnology journal, sees mini-cells called EDVs (EnGenelC Delivery Vehicle) attach and enter the cancer cell.

The first wave of mini-cells release ribonucleic acid molecules, called siRNA, which switch off the production of proteins that make the cancer cell resistant to chemotherapy.

A second wave of EDV cells is then accepted by the cancer cell and releases chemotherapy drugs, killing the cancer cell.

"The beauty is that our EDVs operate like 'Trojan Horses' They arrive at the gates of the affected cells and are always allowed in," said MacDiarmid."



Saturday, June 27, 2009

New crop circle with supposed extraterrestrial message

A new extravagant crop circle has just been found in the UK. The elaborate design, which even seems to show areas of shading, is already getting lots of attention world wide. The most remarkable thing about the crop circle in question is the fact that it seems to contain what appears to be a message from beyond the stars.

No one is entirely certain about what the message is. It does not seem to match any known current language on Earth. Experts have identified some symbols which they claim match that of a number of past civilizations. These civilizations include but are not limited to the Mayas, Ancient Phoenician and the Staveless Runes. So is this really a message from an extraterrestrial race trying to contact mankind, or was it simply the work of hoaxers? Until more evidence is bought forward, and more research is done on the subject, the answer remains a mystery.
We need help to uncover and solve this mystery. Are there any experts out there who want to give it a shot. Is there anyone out there who can identify any more symbols in the pattern? Will you be the one to solve the puzzle?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Strange humanoid creature captured on film

A mysterious humanoid creature has just been captured on cellphone footage by a group of peasant boys in Subang village, Indonesia. The creature, identified by one of the boys as a Tuyul, a spiritual entity, could only be seen through the camera and was not visible to the naked eye.
As there is not much info about this video at the moment, it is hard to say exactly what it is. Possible solutions that have been put forward so far are, an alien, a paranormal entity, a regular human, or CGI. More information shall be posted as it becomes available.

The video can be seen below


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meet Brooke, the girl who doesn't age.

Meet Brooke. She weights 16 pounds and is 30 inches in height. She has the normal mental capacity of an infant and enjoys doing any normal activities one would expect from someone of her age. The only difference between her and the other infants is that she is 16 years olds.
Scientists are baffled. No one seems to have an answer. "Why doesn't she age?" Howard Greenberg, 52, asked of his daughter. "Is she the fountain of youth?" Brooke has never been diagnosed with any known genetic syndrome or chromosomal abnormality. So why isn't she aging?

"Brooke's body is not developing as a coordinated unit, but as independent parts that are out of sync", claims Dr. Richard Walker of the University of South Florida College of Medicine, in Tampa. She still has baby teeth at 16, for instance. And her bone age is estimated to be more like 10 years old. There've been very minimal changes in Brooke's brain," Walker said. "Various parts of her body, rather than all being at the same stage, seem to be disconnected."

So is this the answer? Is Brooke's body simply developing in stages instead of as a whole to the point that she is not aging in the conventional sense that we know of? Whatever the answer is, scientists can agree upon the fact that her case is truly unique and remarkable to say the least.

"Many of the best-known names in medicine, in their experience ... had not seen anyone who matched up to Brooke," Pakula of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine pediatrician Lawrence Pakula, in Baltimore said. "She is always a surprise."

"Brooke is the nucleus of our family," said dad Howard Greenberg. "What if Brooke holds the secret to aging? We'd like to find out. We'd like to help people. Everybody's here for a reason. Maybe this is why Brooke is here."


Monday, June 22, 2009

*Classic Cases* The Patterson-Gimlin film

Forty two years ago, the world was shocked with the announcement made by two men, that the legendary creature known as Sasquatch, or BigFoot, had been captured on film. The alledged video, which shows a large, hairy bipedal creature walking in the distance with a powerful stride was considered the final "smoking gun" of the Bigfoot mystery by many. But what exactly was captured on film that faithful day. Was it the elusive creature or was it something else?
To answer this question one would have to look back at the history of the two men who recorded the beast, and the events that transpired in and around their life. Roger Paterson, the first man involved in the case, first became interested in the mysterious Bigfoot around 1959 after having read an article about the creature in True magazine. He went on to produce his own book on the subject as well as a documentary about it.
Patterson and his friend Robert Gimlin, the second man in the case, set out for the Six Rivers National Forest in Northern California, funded by the money he made from his documentary, in 1967. They chose this area because of all the intermittent sightings of the creature as well as its footprints in the past.In the early afternoon of October 20, Patterson and Gimlin were traveling along the Bluff Creek trail. Both were on horseback when they "came to an overturned tree with a large root system at a turn in the creek, almost as high as a room." When they rounded it they spotted the figure behind it nearly simultaneously, while it was "crouching beside the creek to their left".

Patterson estimated he was about 25 feet (7.6 m) away from the creature at his closest. Patterson said that his horse reared upon seeing (or perhaps smelling) the figure, and he spent about twenty seconds extricating himself from the saddle and getting his camera from a saddlebag before he could run toward the figure while operating his camera. He yelled "Cover me" to Gimlin, who thereupon crossed the creek on horseback, rode forward awhile, and, rifle in hand, dismounted (presumably because his horse might have panicked if the creature charged, spoiling his shot).

The figure had walked away from them to a distance of about 120 feet (37 m) before Patterson began to run after it. The resulting film (about 53 seconds long) is initially quite shaky until Patterson gets about 80 feet (24 m) from the figure. At that point the figure glanced over its right shoulder at the men and Patterson fell to his knees.

Shortly after glancing over its shoulder, the creature walked behind a grove of trees, reappeared for awhile after Patterson moved ten feet to a better vantage point, then fades into the trees again and is lost to view as the reel of film ran out. Gimlin remounted and followed it on horseback, keeping his distance, until it disappeared around a bend in the road three hundred yards away. Patterson called him back at that point, feeling vulnerable on foot without a rifle, because he feared the creature's mate might approach.

The unedited video can be seen below

Patterson had the film developed as soon as possible. He was confident in what he had captured, but was surprised when few scientists even took the time to look at his film. Most of the few that looked at it, quickly dismissed it as a fake. Patterson instead decided to incorporate the film as the centerpiece of the documentary film that he had set out to make in the first place. This proved to be a great decision as it earned him modest financial success as well as fame. Gimlin on the other hand refrained from appearing in the spot light. He only briefly helped to promote the film and avoided discussing his Bigfoot encounter publicly for many subsequent years. He would later report that he'd avoided publicity after Patterson and promoter Al DeAtley had broken their agreement to pay Gimlin a share of any profits generated by the film.

Till this day, no one has been able to prove the film as a hoax or as authentic for that matter. Both men have always dismissed allegations that they had hoaxed the footage by filming a man wearing an ape suit. Patterson, who died of cancer in 1972, swore on his death bed that the footage was authentic and he had encountered and filmed a large bipedal animal unknown to science. Gimlin, has always denied being involved in any part of a possible hoax with Patterson and claims that he and his partner had encountered a real Bigfoot.

Although many people have come forward and claimed that they were involved in the hoax, even some who have claimed that they were the "ape suit" wearer, none have been able to provide indisputable evidence about their claims. After being put through countless analysis, some which seem to show that the creature had "muscle movement", which would dismiss the "ape suit" theory, no one is till one hundred percent sure about what the creature that Patterson and Gimlin captured on film is exactly.

Enhanced versions of the film can be seen below

Being regarded as one of the greatest evidence in bigfoot history, the Patterson-Gimlin film has intrigued skeptics and believers for decades. Perhaps one day the mystery will finally be solved, and maybe it is just an "ape suit". But what if this film is genuine, and what if before you, you are actually looking at a real flesh and blood Sasquatch. A creature which has escaped science for years. A creature with near human intelligent. Perhaps one day the mystery will be solved but for now,
The verdict is- UNEXPLAINED


Australian scientists may have worked out the mystery of Teleportation

"Scientists in Australia have developed a new method for transmitting data with light that may lead to super-fast quantum computers and teleportation technology in the near future.

The research team from the Australian National University developed a new approach to generating quantum entanglement in beams of light using only two parts.

Quantum entanglement is a process in which two objects are linked together in such a way that any changes to the properties of one can be measured from the other regardless of the distance between them.

This process of linking particles has existed for a few years but team leader Dr Jiri Janousek says this new method allows it to be achieved in a much simpler way.

"Usually, when you want to generate entanglement you need a lot of sources of light and a lot of receivers but we found a way to use only one source and one receiver to generate and measure entanglement," Dr Janousek said.

Dr Janousek and his team's new method involves entangling two specially modified beams of light so that changes to the amplitude or phase of one beam can be measured with the other.

By only using two parts, Dr Janousek says, it allows the technology to be more easily scaled up opening a number of potential uses in technologies ranging from computing, communications and even teleportation.

"This finding is one more piece in the puzzle towards the future realisation of quantum computers, which would be many times faster and more powerful than existing computers," he said.

"For teleportation you again need a source of entangled beams, so in effect it could be used for teleportation as well."

But, Dr Janousek, says it will be a while before this technology works its way into any consumer devices.

"We always talk about 50 years as where we could get real machines that could use the technologies which we have developed so far.

"When you think about the example of a quantum computer you have a lot of pieces to research first, then you have to put it together. So we have made one of these pieces that is only a tiny bit of the whole idea," he said."

The scientists will hopefully continue to advance this technology to the point that it can become available to the market. With so many potential usages that can arrive from this form of technology, it is essential that funds continue to be received by this particular group in hopes that one day we can perfect it to the point of having near zero passing time between forms of communications, be it technological or organic.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Lake Champlain Monster video surfaces.

A new video of the alledged Lake Champlain Monster, known as Champ, has recently been released and already it is creating quite a stir from skeptics and believers alike. The video shot by a vermont resident by the name of Eric Olsen seems to show an animate object lazily swimming across the lake's surface. What exactly the object in the video is is still up for discussion.

The unedited video can be seeen below

"I shot this video of SOMETHING in the lake at Oakledge Park on Sunday (05/31/09) early am (0530 or so). I don’t know what the eff it is but it’s definitely not normal…Was anyone else out and about around Oakledge on Sunday just after sunrise?"

So far a number of theories have sprung up to try and explain what exactly the object in question is. The most popular guesses being, a moose, dog, other known animal, inannimate object, man-made object, or the elusive monster itself, champ.

Olsen, in an interview, has said that he does not know what exactly he photographed and was reluctant to call it the legendary monster. "It was too big to be a dog," Olsen said at the time. "Maybe it was a deer or a moose. I'm not going to say."

Enhancements of the film can be found below

As Olsen fades from the mainstream, from being ridiculed and called a "nut job", and more enhancements of the film continue to emerge, it seems the mystery of what exactly was swimming in the lake that eerie morning will continue to grow. As more information is made available, I shall continue to update and keep you all posted on what becomes of this baffling and interesting encounter with the unexplained.


The Arc of the Covenant to be revealed in Ethiopia

align="justify">Abuno Paulos, the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia, wants to reveal the millennial secret, and in an exclusive interview with Adnkronos said, "The time is ripe to tell the truth"(Visible on the website- ) Abuna Paulos, tomorrow will meet for the first time with Pope Benedict XVI, to whom, "if he asks," continued the Patriarch, "I will tell all of the entire situation regarding the Ark of the Covenant."

"The Ark of the Covenant," affirms Paulos, "has been in Ethiopia for many centuries. As Patriarch I have seen it with my own eyes, and only a very few qualified people have been able to do this, so far." According to the Patriarch, it is kept in a church, but to defend the authentic one, a copy of the religious symbol has been placed in every church in the country. The official announcement, in which Ethiopia will give to the world the keys to the millennial secret of the Ark, will be given next Friday during a press conference at 2:00 p.m. at the Hotel Aldrovandi in Rome, by the same Orthodox Patriarch of Ethiopia, along with Prince Aklile Berhan Makonnen Haile Selassie and Duke Ame o D'Aosta, who will be in Rome tomorrow morning.

The Ark of the Covenant according to the Bible is a sacred container, wherein rested the Tablets of stone containing the Ten Commandments as well as Aaron's rod and manna. The arc is supposed to emit an extraordinary light which can blind if looked at directly. Adding to the mystery, the History Channel did a documentary on "The Keepers", who are supposedly the guardians of The Arc, and it was discovered that they must be replaced every few years because over time they are all inflicted with blindness.
If this story turns out to be true, it could be one of the biggest archaeological discoveries of all time. The suspected date of revelation of the arc is sometime next week (June 26th). We shall see what happens. I will continue to update with any information I acquire.